Words of Wisdom

A seeker must realize that there will not be any mukti (liberation) as long as vasanas are present.Of the Many means suggested by the scriptures for extinction of tendencies,constant and repeated remembrance of God and singing the glories of God are withinthe reach of all,and they can be practiced with very little effort.Take to them in all earnestness to get rid of your predispositions if you sincerely seek liberation.

* When music is exclusively employed as a spiritual discipline to please the Lord and have His Vision ,"Nada will take the meditator to the highest level of consciousness raising him to that perfection which is the fulfillment of human life".

* If one's mind is clean and upright,everything outside will    also appear to be clean n upright.

* No Spiritual attainment is ever possible without surrender .Surrender to Sadguru or surrender to God is one and the same thing .What matters is that you Surrender ."If you surrender then 'YOU' cease to be .It is Sadguru/God who comes in you.To Allow Sadguru or God's will to happen to you is 'surrender'".To have your will is to be egoistic;it is for you to decide as to what is the level of your surrender.

*Guru is none else but Brahman Himself*.

* Follow the Path with devotion,faith and courage,and you will reach the goal.All Doubts plaguing you now,will get dissolved then.

* Do not implicate God with your problems.Our sufferings are due to our past Karmas(actions).We have to learn to accept happiness and sorrow as fruits of our past actions and exhaust them by experiencing them with dignity and composure .

* 'Divinity' is an experience .Its reflection in the heart is 'Realization'.The heart is like a mirror. It is it's nature to reflect.So,if the mirror is shaking or covered with smoke or is very far from the object,it will not be able to reflect properly.
The Shaking of the mirror should stop.That itself is concentration.The smoke which is covering the mirror should be removed,i.e. the ego should be destroyed ,that itself is 'God realization'.

* It is necessary to learn, but bookish-knowledge does not lead to Moksha (liberation). "Only silent prayers, joining with God in our heart leads to that goal".

* All of us think and believe that we control our minds. This belief is a product of gross ignorance. "Once a saadhaka (seeker) is admitted into the fold of Sadguru and accepted as a disciple, from that very moment the merciful and compassionate Sadguru controls the disciple's mind". Whatever vacillations the mind experiences are nothing but the play of Sadguru in his unique and mysterious process of purifying the mind.

*"Don't magnify others faults and defects. Instead magnify their good deeds and their acts of love. If you behave like that, others will surely be transformed and improve their good conduct. You also will definitely get spiritual enlightenment and peace of mind. Your mind becomes purer and you obtain spiritual experience."

* Be aware. Aware and happy. Prepare yourself. Be ready to fight. Carefully you can become balanced. Then everything is successful in your life.

* The proper purpose of life is to know one's true nature. If we do not know it, it is high time we endeavor to know it. So much precious life has been wasted already without knowing that which ought to be known. Then the question arises, who can teach us or make us realize our true nature? The answer is very simple - only one person can do it and that is Guru.

* It is due to our great fortune, the effect of the Punya (virtue) of our deeds in the previous lives, that we are blessed with darshana (vision), sparsha (touch) and sambhashana (conversation) of the Mahatmas.

* There is no such thing as suffering. It is only the mind creating ideas of pain and pleasure. But one's real nature is beyond all duality. One will learn this through devotion to the Lord and faith in Him.

* Some say "Past is Past, Why talk about it?" Others say "We can learn from the past and improve our future." If you study for three years and then refuse to write the exam, you will not receive the diploma. You will not pass. No certificate. You have to learn the essence of all that was taught in three years. Write the exam and then receive the diploma. Like that, the incidents in our lives teaches many valuable lessons. These lessons will be useful in paving our future.

* Guru is Purna (full). Here, 'full' does not denote any form or decoration. 'Full' here denotes enlightening the six chakras and removing the darkness of ignorance. Sadguru Darshana is capable of removing all ignorance and sins. This is the importance of Guru Purnima.

* Swamiji is always saying, "Your own experience is very important. Your own experience." When I am ready to give you a secret, I will give it. But you are only expecting that secret. You didn't practice. That's why Swamiji says, "I don't know any answer to your question." You try. Meditate. Meditate. Meditate.

* When one is caught in the whirlpool in the ocean of 'finitude and change' the only safe and sound means to come out of that deadly pool, is the chanting or utterance of any of the infinite divine names of the Lord with absolute faith and unwavering devotion. If you cannot do it now, you can never do it later.

* In case we could realise our own mistakes, it would be easier for us to properly understand the defects in the world and also correct our mistakes and progress to attain the divine wisdom. It is good to give the results of your austerities to the Guru. One must develop a selfless attitude. Those who are constantly running after their respective wives, husbands, or children are liars when they claim that they are followers of a Guru. One must believe that one's house and children belong to the Guru.

* Man thinks that he is strong and great. However, woman-hood endowed with sacrifice and maternity is very difficult. Being a mother is something very special. A man feels, "if I am not here, how can the family manage the affairs?" Truly speaking, the mother introduces the father to the child. The father directs the child to the 'Guru' who will show the path towards divinity to the child. Thus we find that the mother is the first 'Guru' for anyone... Music is so universal that it is for all people and for all times. It will be hard to find a man saying that he does not like music. Music, however, serves its greatest and the best purpose when it unites man with God.

* In the Spiritual path ,the fundamental lesson is 'Mind your own business'. One should not try to change others;rather,he should change himself. One should learn to mind one's own business and stop getting agitated by others.Just as the *Higher Power takes control of you,the same power takes care of others as well* ."If at all,one has to be concerned with others, the concern should be that of unselfish ,co-operation ,help and love".

* Our Samskaaras (tendencies) keep either pushing us into the past or pulling up to the future .Consequently,we miss the present which Is." The Straying mind is to be made steady.It must learn to stay within". Let it not hanker after what happened in the past nor what is going to happened in the past nor what is going to happen in the future." Life will take its own course.Be only Witness to what is happening in the Present".

From "Sri Ganapathy Sachidanada Swamjis Books and Messages"